Halloween jack-o-lanterns, 2004
Headless horseman
Boil, boil, trouble and toil
Pumpkin carving kits are easy and fun. I won a prize of one kid's videotape in a friendly neighborhood contest for these.
Tourists, downtown Atlanta, mid-1990s
Downtown Atlanta

When I went out snapping architectural shots, I usually liked to zoom in on a single detail or group of details, like this. Catch the passing lady in red in the middle of the one photo.
F-16 jets

A row of Fighting Falcons, taken on an overcast day, at Robins Air Force Base in Georgia, I think in 1995. I have many pictures of air shows, mostly from Dobbins AFB, but these were a little different. The clouds made the sky like a giant soft light box, whereas on sunny days the overhead light would make for all kinds of glaring contrasts and deep shadows. The colors here are goosed a little to compensate for the dim light, which is why the sky seems smoggy.
Hay rolls, south Georgia USA, mid-1990s

Just a pretty view from the side of the road, between Albany and Americus, GA.
Central American Musicians

From the Dogwood Festival in Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995
Blogger's being balky, so I'm trying to upload these pix with Picasa (like that alliteration?) I wound up uploading each image by each method. Sure is complicated under the hood...
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra in Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995

I think this is from the
Dogwood Festival in Piedmont Park, Atlanta in 1995. The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra was on strike, claiming that its funding body was skimping on the endowment. It was a mess. IIRC, the symphony president, Allison Vulgamore, managed to smooth things out and grow the endowment.
This gig was a player-led performance, a bit of grass-roots goodwill building. The black-clad fellow conducting in that one photo is Harry Blazer, founder of Harry's Farmers Market. I was told by a symphony member that he is a big supporter of the ASO.
Wrapping Paper
Asian wrapping paper
This was one of several snaps I took, playing around with the screw-on micro lens I bought for the IS-3. It's a closeup of some wrapping paper from a gift I received from some overseas friends. Makes rather pretty wallpaper, IMO; you're welcome to it for that purpose if you'd like.
Candy Apples
Candy apples
Shot through a window at Underground Atlanta, mid-90s
Punk at the Strand II 3/4
Here's my final batch of Four Hour Fogger pictures, the band from which Mastodon drew Brent and Troy. Previous photos are
here and
hereFour Hour Fogger, forerunner of Mastodon
The audience isn't as big as it looks. Most of these people are members of the other bands on bill.

I snapped this one a half-second too late. I was going to get him in mid-scream, but here he's closing his mouth and so looks like this, instead.
Hope you've enjoyed these. I didn't intend to post so much punk stuff, but hey! These aren't entertaining anyone by being packed away in a shoebox in the closet.
Mastodon official website.Mastodon fan site in Australia
Punk at the Strand II 1/2
Four Hour Fogger, precursor of Mastodon

Well! This Mastodon group is a bigger deal than I originally suspected, so it looks like these 4HF pictures are of some archival interest. I posted the earlier pics on Mastodon's fan forum, and got some nice appreciative comments in return. So now I'm a rock historian, how about that!
Feel free to make off with these however you wish--though it'd be nice if you throw a little traffic my way.
I'll load up the rest of them in the next batch. I promise that there's one of the guitarist without a mike blocking his face!
The other two batches of Four Hour Fogger photos are
here and
Punk at The Strand II, January 1997
Loaded Dice

This trio played was on the same bill as the band in the previous post. I haven't yet found any info about them, in part because there is at least one other rock band with the same name.
See all those rude words on the bassist's arms and digits? Magic marker. I was there hours before showtime and saw him put them on.
Punk at The Strand I, Jan. 1997
Four Hour Fogger

I'm not a punk kind of guy. I've never even been that much of a concert-goer, as much as I love music otherwise. But, one day I decided I would try my hand at some concert photography with my IS-3, and headed over to
The Strand, an old theatre on the square in Marietta, GA. At the time it was a club called The Hangar or some such, and there was a multi-act punk show on the bill for that evening. The proprietor, an Arab in a black leather jacket, very kindly agreed to let me in for free, if I'd bring him and the sound & light crew copies of the photos. I did so, several days later.
This band was Four Hour Fogger. I don't know who they are individually, although I've found that some of them went on to form a band called Mastodon, which is supposed to be a hot metal band nowadays. If you know these folks, feel free to direct them here and email me for more pix of this gig. If they're still interested, that is.
BTW, the Visioneer flatbed scanner I'm using with these negatives seems to be rendering them quite dark. So I've goosed the brightness and in some cases the saturation & gamma. Otherwise no special filters or effects have been employed, which is part of why they don't look much like typical rock photography.
UPDATE 09/21/05
I noticed that the picture of the bassist was incorrectly centered when I scanned it. This is now the correct pic. So, if you surf in from google's cached version and notice (and care about) the difference, that's why.
Mastodon fans can find the other two batches of Four Hour Fogger photos
here and
here .
Piedmont Park restorations, Atlanta mid-90s

I asked this woman's permission to photograph her at work. She agreed and I did, much to the merriment of her latino co-workers.
Traveling Vietnam Wall Memorial, North Georgia, mid-90s

A crusty old vet who ran a laundromat near the apartments I lived in at the time teared up when he saw these.