Korean Dance Troupe, Atlanta, Centennial Park, summer 1996

During the Atlanta Olympic Games in 1996, I went hiking downtown to photograph the street scenes. I turned a corner in Centennial Park and encountered this AT&T stage, with this Korean troupe of dancers beginning their performance. I took up position and started snapping.
Note the lariats on these dancers' hats. They kept those things whipping around in circles while dancing their routines.
Korean Dance Troupe, Atlanta, Centennial Park, summer 1996

Dancers with cymbals.
Korean Dance Troupe, Atlanta, Centennial Park, summer 1996

Baton twirlers.
Korean Dance Troupe, Atlanta, Centennial Park, summer 1996

This dance was obviously based on some sort of Korean folk tale. I was sorry not to be able to understand it. If you know what it is, feel free to leave a comment or email me.
Korean Dance Troupe, Atlanta, Centennial Park, summer 1996

A couple of wide angle shots of the AT&T stage.
Korean Dance Troupe, Atlanta, Centennial Park, summer 1996

These beautiful and graceful dancers made astounding patterns with their fans and swirling skirts. Note the crane figure, too.
Korean Dance Troupe, Atlanta, Centennial Park, summer 1996

I goosed the color sats a little on these, since it was an overcast day. These dancers were really great.
Korean Dance Troupe, Atlanta, Centennial Park, summer 1996

Human blossoms...
Korean Dance Troupe, Atlanta, Centennial Park, summer 1996

At this point it started raining, and I put my camera away. I had a slicker, though, and put it on and stayed for the rest of the show. Most everyone else had cleared out by the time the grand drum finale concluded, so I applauded extra hard to make up for the empty seats. They really did put on a wonderful show, for free!
Jerry Garcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995

A few odds & ends from the same event, that I found later. Scroll down for the original series of posts.
Jerry Garcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995
Still Life with Jerry Garcia
A little more than ten years ago, Jerry Garcia died. I made sure to find out where his Atlanta wake was going to be, and set off there with my camera.
At the time a former co-worker of mine was dying in the AIDS hospice by Colony Square. On my last visit I told him that I was going to go to Garcia's wake and shoot pictures, and that I'd bring them by once I got them developed. Sadly, he died early the morning that I returned, and I instead encountered his parents. So, I shared these with them instead, after telling them why I had brought them.
Jerry Garcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995
Candlelight crowd
A long shutter exposure shot of the crowd, after nightfall.
Misfit tattoo
A Deadhead's tattoo, with a rear-syncro flash and the long shutter still on. *koff* I meant to do that...
Jerry Garcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995
Drummer girl
I saw a lot of drums, bongos, congas, and such here. Inconviently for me, they tended to play in a circle, causing me to intrude more than I usually like to.
Jerry Gardcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995
Old Deadheads
Young Deadheads
Grateful Dead fans came in all generations. I saw one or two (not pictured) who must have been Deadhead plankholders, since they looked fully as old as Garcia himself.
Jerry Garcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995
The drumming reaches a crescendo, and everyone raises a candle.
Someone was dancing with sparklers, and I still had the camera set on a long shutter speed, and well... Kind of fits though, doesn't it?
Jerry Garcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995
Candle shrine
The Crowd
The Crowd
The tracery of candlelight was done with a long shutter speed while the camera was on a tripod.
Jerry Garcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta 1995
Drum circle
Drum circle
Drum circle
I'm not a Deadhead, but I love photographing these colorful folks. These, of one of the drumming circles at the wake, were taken through knees, around elbows, over shoulders, and whatnot.
Jerry Garcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, 1995
Crowd with flash
Crowd by candlelight
The Deadheads sit and listen, listen and sit, and remember...
Jerry Garcia Memorial, Piedmont Park, Atlanta 1995
The crowd at dusk
A shot from early in the gathering, and two from just before I left. The couples were part of a knot of people around a candle-laden little shrine, listening to the Grateful Dead's cover of the Traffic classic "Dear Mr. Fantasy." By this time I was singing along.
As I was heading up the street back to my car, I heard someone up on the roof of one of the apartments. He had an amp and an acoustic guitar, serenading the crowd with some Grateful Dead tunes. A nice coda to the evening, that.
Atlanta Pot Festival, Piedmont Park, mid-1990s
Green girl
"I like to dream..."
The Atlanta Pot Festival was an annual event to show support for the legalization of marijuana. I went not as a participant, but merely to photograph hippies. I
love to photograph hippies...
Atlanta Pot Festival, Piedmont Park, mid-1990s
...and clowns